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Taking sides
Herald Sun, Melbourne  by Geoff Gwilym
31 May 2024
General News - Page 59 - 274 words - ID 2076439863 - Photo: Yes - Type: Advertorial - Size: 242.00cm2



I have been working in the automotive world since I was Ia teenager, toiling away as an apprentice body-maker.

No matter how long I've stayed within the industry, though, there are still days when the obvious surprises me.

For instance, I once borrowed a loan car and on the way to returning it, I drove into a service station to fill it up with diesel.

But I had a problem.

As I waited in line for my turn at the bowser, it dawned on me that I didn't know which side of the car hosted the fuel filler.

I looked in my mirrors but couldn't see anything, so I took a gamble on the right side.

I got it wrong and had to do a three-point turn to correct the situation.

It was a lesson learned, but a mistake which is easy enough to make.

When I mentioned this to my mechanic, they told me something I should have already known.

So, here's a little gem for you that might save you time and performing an embarrassing U-turn at your local servo in front of an amused audience.

The next time you're in your car or most likely, someone else's and can't remember which side has the fuel filler, take a peek at the fuel gauge on the dashboard and, most times, you'll notice a small arrow next to the bowser symbol.

This arrow indicates the position of the fuel filler.

It's no big deal, but could mean the di?erence between a good day or a bad one.

Prepared by Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce

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