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Super sales
Herald Sun, Melbourne  by Geoff Gwilym
21 Jun 2024
General News - Page 59 - ID 2083790152 - Photo: Yes - Type: Advertorial - Size: 241.00cm2

V FACTS sales data provides a great insight into the new vehicle sales market.

One thing's for sure the market definitely doesn't have the brakes on.

Yep, maybe there is a still a bit of post-COVID buying out there, but that wouldn't solely account for the continuing growth in new vehicle sales.

For the month of May, for example, 111,099 new vehicles were sold, which flew past May 2023's numbers of 105,694, and that's a record.

Year to date, at the end of May, VFACTS reported 512,753 vehicles were sold, which is up 55,920 vehicles from the same time last year.

If you took that figure in its simplest form, that would mean we are on a trajectory to beat last years' vehicle sales that came in at 1,216,780.

That was also a record, the largest annual new vehicle sales number ever.

Hybrid sales are also increasing, along with pure electric vehicles, albeit at a slower pace, with nearly 25 per cent of all new vehicles having some degree of electrification.

So, contrary to some people's belief, we really are on a journey towards a cleaner vehicle fleet.

Even with internal combustion vehicle (ICE) sales, we know that modern technology and the improved e?ciency of these vehicles, along with EVs and hybrids, all contribute to lowering our CO2 emissions, and that's a good thing.

Maybe the sales figures reflect baby boomers dipping into their superannuation savings; feeling good about buying an EV, or buying their last ICE motor, as they purr into retirement.

Source: FCAI Prepared by Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce

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