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Repair code close to release
GoAuto News, Sandringham  by Neil Dowling
01 May 2024
General News - Page 35 - 393 words - ID 2066142650 - Photo: Yes - Type: News Item - Size: 322.00cm2

Much-anticipated code designed to set standards for repair and insurance industry

THE milestone code review for the insurance and repair industry is now only months away from being ready to be presented to the industry for vital feedback.

The Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry (MVIRI) Code Administration Committee (CAC) this week said it has made significant strides in reviewing the MVIRI Code of Conduct following the review and recommendations made by Dr Michael Schaper, FAICD, in May last year.

Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce industry policy advisor and CAC representative for the Motor Trades Association of Australia Kathy Zdravevski said the presentation of the review to the industry was at the core of the CAC's commitment to transparency and inclusivity.

"The committee is also exploring legal options for formal incorporation to bolster the code's credibility and governance structures, as emphasised by Committee Chair, Stephen Jenkins," she said.

In the lead-up to the release of the review, the CAC said it had received legal advice regarding options for incorporation as a formal legal entity and is considering its next steps.

"Recommendation nine of Dr Schaper's review was that the CAC should adopt an association, company or other corporate structure. He identified that under its present informal structure, the Code may lack credibility among industry players and government bodies," MVIRI CAC Chair, Stephen Jenkins said.

"The advice received by the CAC is a critical input to the CAC's considerations on how it can enhance its independence and improve the overall governance of the Code." Mr Jenkins added: "The legal advice received is also of assistance in guiding instructions for the redrafting of the Code. The CAC is also currently in the process of obtaining proposals as to the drafting of the revised Code.

"Once a revised draft of the Code is received, the CAC will engage and consult with the insurance and repair industry and other stakeholders." Reflecting on the CAC's work in implementing the recommendations of the review of the Code, Mr Jenkins expressed cautious optimism on the progress made to date.

"As a committee, we have set ourselves a goal to receive a revised draft of the Code by the middle of 2024," he said.

"I would like to thank all committee members for their hard work, but more importantly to the industry for their patience to date."

Caption Text:
Michael Schaper
Stephen Jenkins

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